
May 27, 2009

My source of inspiration...

I joined this website few months ago and I addicted!!!
Despite my heavy workloads, I always spare some time to open this site.

Its learn, and share...That's what they call it...
Basically, this is a photography website which I think is very useful for photographers, especially beginner to enhance their skills and learn new things.

They display your profile so that some professional people can guide you by looking at your artworks.

You need to join communities which is suitable with you. Some communities like "it's learning curve" provides constructive criticism for your artworks.

You can post up your artworks to compete according to the theme. There are lots of competition for you to join. All you need to do is to collect 30 points by voting and commenting on the art works. At the end of every competition, ranks will be given and from there, you can judge your level and skill.

We get to vote on the photos submitted by other people. At the voting stage, everyone appear as anonymous to avoid unfair judgement.

You all can go to the Hall of fame to look at amazingly beautiful artworks... For me those photos are really beautiful.

And the most important of all, its free!!! lolx....
If you are interested, then lets join to community and have a try...
But don't blame me when get addicted k...XD


  1. hey, thnaks for sharing the site. i was encourage to join :D

  2. np... would love to welcome you...
    might as well msg me ther so that we can share artworks together...^^

  3. Thanks for sharing Julie.
    It's a very informative site, besides we could make friends and enchance our photography skills.
    Thanks, I would love to join, see you there Julie:)

  4. visitor...^^
