
May 30, 2009

I need help...=(

I was changing the layout of my blog when I realize the lower part of my new blog is very messy...
so I was thinking if I can make it like this....

Sorry for a noob question....
How to do the link button like that??
Can anyone help me???


  1. That depends on the theme that you apply on your blog. You need to select a theme that has such feature and then apply that to your blog. Usually those are part of the built-in links in the blog theme. I'm not too sure if blogger allows alot of theme customizations. Per I know, the customization is pretty limited.

  2. thanks...yup...actually there's a link bar there that allow me to put on the link button...but then I don't know how to configure it...hehehe...the photo above is exactly the theme that I use...

  3. I guess if u're using blogpost, u just have to go to Layout sections -> Edit HTML, then check the checkbox which says "Expand Widget Templates", so the codes will be shown entirely. From there, just find (using ctrl+F) and type "Blogger Templates" (without quotes), then do necessary changes (editing, or deleting it) ^^
