
May 29, 2009

I think I miss those time...

I often say...
I want to quit!!! I can't stand it anymore!!! This is not what I want!!!

I really had enough hard time struggling in this course.
Architecture...Its all about endless critiques on your design, on your opinion and time management(yah...I agree I'm poor at this)...Yet those who get high mark are those who can sell their ideas well...hmmm...
Different people have different opinion and point of view but not everyone know how to respect other people's opinion...Thus making this process of designing very tough.

Gah... Any architecture student dare to say they never feel like this before when dealing with design projects?

But when I look back at the projects I did in the past year, I think I miss those time...
I miss the satisfaction when I finally finish my projects after few days no sleep, no bath and no going out of my room.
I miss the few hours before submission yet I had only done 40% of the total project.
I miss when I cry for the recessing grade I get...
I miss when I get nervous whenever its turn for me to do presentation...
I miss when i start scolding my lecturer for shooting me all the way through my presentation
I miss when the other lecturer start to defend for me...
I miss when all the presentation is over and we all go for some sort of celebration...
I miss when we do crazy things together...
I miss when we wait for the McDonald delivery for hours.
I miss those project which I have to spend time, efforts and money on it...end up in the dustbin because I cannot move it from one place to another...
Now I can laugh at all those things...haha

When I look back... I learned a lot...
I learned to think more critically...
I learned to love very single thing I do...
I learned that I don't need my lecturer to like my design
I learned that I don't need good grades to design
I learned that I'm myself...
In fact, "myself" is more important then anyone else...because without the myself... I'm no one....
Come to think of this...I still love architecture...
Stage design model...1st year 1st sem

form design...1st year 1st sem

Painting...1st year 2nd sem

Wood Joints...can u sit 4 different joints in this?...1st year 2nd sem

pergola design...1st year 2nd sem
Now finish 2nd year already and still have 3 years to go... I think I can make it...
~no one can fail me.... other then myself.~


  1. I took Interior Architectural course years back.I do agree wit you in some ways but most other courses are relatives hard to study too.

    Accountancy, law and etc. are the same.
    So, you just have to take the extra courage to face it.
    Be strong, college's life is not that tough afterall, looking back I really enjoyed mine.
    It's just to shape and mould you to be a better person, so that you can continue to stand greater test to come especially when you work next time. There are always two sides of a finding, just look at the positive side.

    The real challenges have yet to come and you will discover the truth very soon after your graduation.

    Just have faith and courage!
    Just like you said:~no one can fail me.... other then myself.~

  2. Thanks. Yah. In facts every course also very tough in their own ways. But people tend to just according to their own. I know its not so good but its the facts. Thank for your opinion...^^

  3. hahaha looks like someone went into matrics too =) yeaps so looking forward for challenges =p and UTM huh? Went to Gamuda scholarship and many civil engineering diploma students claiming architecture there is the best. haha. how do u see usm as?

  4. haha...lolx....usm is pretty nice place to study since majority of the students there are chinese(thats what people say)...haha... I have no idea about the architecture there... but from what I know is they only provide 3 years architecture course...which is only part 1...need to apply after part 1 to get into part 2..
    But the architecture course there is also accredited by PAM which is a good thing....
